Association for the Study of
Inborn Errors
of Metabolism in Adults
Welcome to the ASIM
When patients suffering from inborn errors of metabolism reach adulthood, they often face new types of problems. As different requirements, career and relationship aspects arise, new issues appear, differing from those experienced in their childhood.
The objective of the ASIM is to foster and improve therapeutic work, continued medical education as well as to promote research in the field of inborn errors of metabolism in adulthood.
Moreover, the ASIM advises and informs physicians, nursing staff, authorities and the public on the nature and treatment of inborn errors of metabolism in adulthood.
The ASIM represents a subspecialty within internal medicine. It is a charity, non-profit association, (e. V.) registered at the local court in Frankfurt/Main and has been acknowledged a non-profit organization by the tax authorities in Hamburg-Nord.
Information for Patients
ASIM - Councils
ASIM - Travel Grant
Quality Management
Partner Organizations
Current Issues
ASIM Symposium 2025: Rare Diseases of Phosphate Metabolism
- ASIM-Symposium mit DGIM (Dt. Ges. für Innere Medizin)