Association for the Study of
Inborn Errors
of Metabolism in Adults

Welcome to the ASIM

When patients suffering from inborn errors of metabolism reach adulthood, they often face new types of problems. As different requirements, career and relationship aspects arise, new issues appear, differing from those experienced in their childhood.

The objective of the ASIM is to foster and improve therapeutic work, continued medical education as well as to promote research in the field of inborn errors of metabolism in adulthood.
Moreover, the ASIM advises and informs physicians, nursing staff, authorities and the public on the nature and treatment of inborn errors of metabolism in adulthood.

The ASIM represents a subspecialty within internal medicine. It is a charity, non-profit association, (e. V.) registered at the local court in Frankfurt/Main and has been acknowledged a non-profit organization by the tax authorities in Hamburg-Nord.

ASIM Symposium 2025: Rare Diseases of Phosphate Metabolism

ASIM Symposium 2025: Rare Diseases of Phosphate Metabolism Organized by: ASIM in cooperation with DGIM (German Society for Internal...

Annual Meeting 2024 Inborn Errors of Metabolism – Medical Treatment by Internists

Annual Meeting 2024Inborn Errors of Metabolism – Medical Treatment by Internists 16th April 2024Annual Meeting 2024Inborn Errors of Metabolism –...

ASIM press release on Rare Disease Day: “We still have a long way to go.”

ASIM Press Release in honour of Rare Disease Day: „A long way ahead of us“ Pressemitteilung ASIM zum Tag der seltenen Erkrankungen

ASIM Consil

ASIM Councils Expert-Network Promotes Advancement in Quality of Medical Care ASIM Initiates Regular Exchange Between Experts in Inborn Errors of...

Infection risks from COVID-19 in rare inborn errors of metabolism – recommendations

Infection Risks with COVID-19 in Inborn Errors of Metabolism – Recommendations Infektionsrisiken durch COVID.docx

Annual conference 2023 – Inborn errors of metabolism for internists

Jahrestagung 2023 Angeborene Stoffwechselkrankheiten für Internistinnen und Internisten 25. April 2023 Jahrestagung 2023 Angeborene...

Publication of the new guideline “Hepatorenal tyrosinaemia” at AWMF

Publication of new guideline „hepatorenal tyrosinemia“ by AWMF We are pleased to announce that the new guideline on hepatorenal tyrosinemia has now...

Facebook post on the occasion of World Men’s Day on 03.11.2022

Facebook-Post anlässlich des Weltmännertags am 03.11.2022 Hier geht es zum Post: DIG PKU Facebook Männertag

ASIM statement to the BMG – ASIM supports the DIG PKU initiative to change §116 b SGB V from “children” to “patients”

ASIM issues statement to BMG (German Federal Department of Health) – ASIM supports DIG PKU’s initiative to alter §116 b SGB V: term „children“ must...

DIG PKU’s request to open specialist outpatient clinics for rare metabolic diseases to adults rejected

Petition of the DIG PKU for the establishment of specialized medical outpatient clinics also for adults with rare metabolic disorders rejected...

ASIM welcomes the continued long-term funding of the NAMSE office

ASIM appreciates the longer-term funding of the NAMSE office Petition successful...

Press release: Rare diseases – UKD physician Prof Dr Stephan vom Dahl receives Federal Cross of Merit

Press Release: Rare Diseases – UKD-Physician Prof. Dr. Stephan vom Dahl receives German Cross of Merit Commitment for „Orphan Diseases“:...

Press release: Quality management – Centre certification – Applications to ASIM as of now

Pressemitteilung: Qualitätsmanagement – Zentrenzertifizierung – Bewerbungen ab sofort an ASIM ASIM erstellt QM-Programm für ZentrenBewerbungen für...

Press release of the G-BA / Statements of the ASIM

Press Release by the G-BA / Opinions of the ASIM The press release No. 09/2017 by the Common Federal Committee, Germany (Gemeinsamen...

Press release: European recommendations for the treatment of patients with PKU

Press Release: European Recommendations for Treatment of Patients Suffering from Phenylketonuria ASIM Adopts European Recommendations for...

Information for Patients

In Germany, approx. 100,000 people suffer from a rare inborn error of metabolism; each of these diseases affects fewer than 2,000 persons. The term orphan diseases is distinctive.

ASIM - Councils

The councils can make an important and direct contribution to improving the quality of care for adult patients through the needs-orientated exchange of information.

ASIM - Travel Grant

Since 2013, the ASIM offers a travel grant for meetings and conferences dealing with topics covered by the ASIM, for example the annual meetings of the SSIEM, APS, EWGGD or ASIM.

Quality Management

Patients with rare diseases often encounter many medical and organisational problems in addition to the actual burden of the usually chronic disease.


Support the valuable work of ASIM e.V. The care of adults with rare metabolic diseases needs more scientific and clinical attention. Become a member of ASIM e.V.!

Partner Organizations

We have a wide variety of partners at our side. Get an overview of partner organisations and self-help groups, as well as scientific organisations and other supporters of ASIM.

Current Issues

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Centres of Expertise


      Do you have any questions or would you like to contact us? Then please contact us using the form below or by phone or e-mail.

      ASIM Secretariat

      Irmtraud Peukert

      +49 162-8888790

      Hohenzollernstraße 2
      53721 Siegburg