ASIM Travel Grant
ASIM Travel Grant
Since 2013, the ASIM offers a travel grant for meetings and conferences dealing with topics covered by the ASIM, for example the annual meetings of the SSIEM, APS, EWGGD or ASIM.
Applicants are subject to the following requirements: The age limit for applicants is 35. Applicants must provide an active, approved contribution at the meeting (poster or lecture) relating to rare inborn errors of metabolism in adults. The expenses accounted for travelling and for the meeting will be reimbursed as follows:
national journey: € 400
journey within Europe: € 600
transcontinental journey: € 800
An informal application should be submitted to the ASIM Board, preferably via the ASIM office prior to the beginning of the journey. The board’s decision is binding and need not be justified. There is no legal claim.
Travel Grant for cand. med. Peter Forster – for Website
Reisestipendium für cand. med. Peter Forster
Travel Grant for cand. med. Peter Forster