Press Release by the G-BA / Opinions of the ASIM
The press release No. 09/2017 by the Common Federal Committee, Germany (Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss) under §1 SGB V: Dietetic Therapy for Patients Suffering from Rare Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Mucoviscidosis to be available on presription
Pressemitteilung Nr. 09-2017 vom 16. März 2017 des G-BA) – Ernährungstherapie
The Statement of the ASIM on the Medical Therapy Guidelines (Heilmittelrichtlinien – HeilM.RL) for the Common Federal Committee, Germany (Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss – G-BA: Outpatient nutrition consultation for rare diseases and cystic fibrosis may be requested at the ASIM office at